YouTube Overview

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If you’ve thought about starting a YouTube account and just not sure what you need to do, here is a quick overview. Filename, keywords, thumbnail, playlist and consistency is key with YouTube. If you’re afraid, don’t worry – just hop in and give it a try!

Quick YouTube Facts

  • YouTube is 2nd most used Search Engine after Google
  • Google owns YouTube, so YouTube videos garner you even more SEO value than other video outlets such as Facebook
  • YouTube Algorithm is based on WATCH TIME. YouTube’s goal is to maximize long-term viewer engagement.
  • One bad video (where people stop watching early) can bring down your entire ranking. Keep an eye on this metric & don’t be afraid to cut videos and edit.
  • YT rewards SEO if content is posted and immediately gets viewed
  • YT rewards SEO value if view immediate watches another video from your channel

How to Optimize a Video

  • Filename matters:
    • Don’t name “123xe”, instead name “HowToYouTube”
  • Title (seen in search results). 60 character maximum
  • Description: 1st 100 characters, or 2-3 lines show in search, so keep CTA, andmost important keywords first. But after that, write LONG descriptions
    • Include inks to site, link to similar videos on your channel
  • Tags: main keywords, associate with similar videos, most important words first
  • Thumbnails: Keep visually consistent and engaging. Custom thumbnail is amust (1280×720).Thumb/Title is 1st point of contact so VIP.
  • Keywords: check terms in Google you think you should use. See what Auto Populates. Check YouTube for the term – what comes up? Is it a video you compete with? What keywords did they use (view source, search for Keywords)
    • Utilize Google Adwords or YouTube Analytics for further keyword aid
  • Link to your website in video whenever possible. Link video on your website to YouTube – this will increase SEO of site and YouTube
  • Playlists are recommended. Once a video in that Playlist ends, it will roll over to another video in that Playlist automatically
    • HOT TIP: Use URLS that are to a Video within Playlist, so they keep rolling.

YouTube Video Production Tips

  • Be consistent. Solve problems. Entertain. Give viewer/buyer what they want.
  • Set a formula for your videos:
    • Example: Re-confirm title, short 3 sec intro, call to action (what we do, invite to subscribe), actual video, close with additional call to action
  • End Screen – put end screen info (CTA, subscribe, etc) on BEFORE videoactually finishes – so people don’t depart and miss it.
  • Add watermark
  • Add sound/music
  • Templated elements (opening screen, closing screen, fonts, call outs, etc)


In 2018 US YouTube ad revenue was estimated at almost FOUR BILLION dollars, and over two billion active users monthly. So needless to say, it is worth looking into for your business. Be it advertisting, or actually starting your own channel.

About Digital-Melissa: I am a veteran of all things internet, located in Rhinelander, WI. 20 years in eCommerce with everything from design to copy, social media, marketing, project management, website help & management plus more. Contact me today if you’d like to talk about how I could help your business.