How to Grow Your Business on Instagram

Wondering how and what to do on Instgram to make it work for your business? Instagram has a huge power to help you establish your brand and awareness of your business. Here are some easy tips!

It is simple, folks. Post, like, interact, consistently! You can’t find an “easy” way to grow on Instagram. You have to post actual, interesting content, graphics that draw the eye, things people will respond to, tips, tricks, VIDEOS (Video posts receive almost 40% more engagement than images-only). Things people want. Things people find value in.

Be sure to utilize the “Stories” function. Although Stories dissapear in 24 hours, they are a growing tool and utilized more and more so we need to get on board. Definitely share any regular post as a Story, and share Stories as often as you can. Quick un-edited videos are a perfect place for these.

Frequency & Timing
Frequency is up for debate. I have seen both do it every day, and both only 2-4 days. It really, truly DOES matter who your audience is.

Timing – is when your audience is most active. You an find this in your reporting. There is no reason really to post when your audience is alseep, right? If you want to be generic about the timing, it is reported that the best times to post on Instagram are weekdays between 10am and 3pm.

Use the Hastags #
This is vital. Use ALL your hastags. You can post a maximum of 30 every time – so do it! Hashtags help people find you. Try to be as specific as possible, but be sure to use your 30 every time. I have read that you “shouldn’t” use the same hastags everytime, but I’ve also read that it doesn’t matter. In the end, each of your images are not the same so hastags should not be the same, right? That’s logical.

Use Geotags (Location)
When possible, be sure to use the location you are at as often as possible, if it makes sense to do so. Instagram loves Geotags! It is eported that posts with geotags earn up to 79% more engagement. You’ll find the geotag in the top left of your post.

On top of that “normal” work of posting, you are going to need to interact! Go out an find other IG accounts that have hastags you are interested in. Comment and like them. Try for 30 in the morning, 30 in the evening. But don’t OVER-DO it. That can go badly for you account. Instagram frowns on over-liking because likely some bot could do it, and that is not what they want. Repost if you find something that is perfect for your brand – it will help start more conversations and get you noticed. Just be sure to check the account first and make sure it is one you would like to be associated with. Include an @mention of their account.

Last – DO NOT hire a bot to buy followers! It Will. Not. Work. Your page will get shut down. You have to put in the time and effort her.

If all this sounds overwhelming to you – don’t worry! I can help. I’d love to sit down or chat online with you about how I could help your business grow in this area. Contact me

More detailed post times from Sprout Social and Blogging Wizard:

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